You may be incredibly upset with another party right now. You may feel they have let you down or betrayed your trust in them. However, no matter how bad it seems right now, it is essential to allow yourself time to step back and consider the bigger picture. How you...
Securities Law Blog
4 questions to ask when investing in a company
Business investment has been and continues to be a great opportunity. However, it is associated with negative stories like investment fraud. Therefore, you need to be cautious before putting money into a company. Below are four questions to ask any business you want...
Why might a franchise be advantageous?
Entrepreneurs have numerous options when it comes to establishing a business. One option is to start from scratch and build a brand entirely. If it goes well, this can be extremely lucrative. However, if it goes wrong, then the business has little chance of success. ...
The significance of the bourbon whisky industry
Bourbon, a type of American whisky, has recently surged worldwide. This increased demand has boosted production and sales, with many distilleries expanding operations. Innovations in flavor profiles and marketing strategies have added to this impressive growth....
Lack of trust can cause business partner disputes
A business partner dispute can spell the end of that partnership and perhaps the end of the business itself. Even if the company has otherwise been successful, serious disagreements between the partners may be too much to overcome. They may have to divide the...
How does FINRA protect investors?
You’ve spent years working for your money, and now it’s time for your money to start working for you. While you can put it where you know it will be safe, such as savings accounts or treasury bonds, you most likely won’t see any significant growth. And while you...
4 kinds of contract breaches
Contract breaches can cause business disputes. Many business relationships rely on contracts. A detailed business contract can outline expectations and responsibilities from each party involved in a transaction, including the type of product or service being provided...
What are different types of inappropriate investments?
Inappropriate investments can vary depending on an individual's financial goals, risk tolerance, time horizon and personal circumstances. However, certain types of investments are generally considered inappropriate for most investors due to their high risk,...
3 ways in which a broker might breach their fiduciary duty
If you take on a broker to manage your financial affairs, being able to trust them is essential. Unfortunately, sometimes you can’t. A broker may act in ways that breach the bond of trust and with it, the fiduciary duty they have toward you. A fiduciary duty means...
3 reasons business partners may have a falling out
Business partnerships will fail from time to time. Disputes arise and partners find themselves in a falling out. Sometimes they can resolve things and begin working together again. In other cases, the falling out is so significant that one of them has to leave the...