Entrepreneurs have numerous options when it comes to establishing a business. One option is to start from scratch and build a brand entirely. If it goes well, this can be extremely lucrative. However, if it goes wrong, then the business has little chance of success. ...
Representing Investors
What are different types of inappropriate investments?
Inappropriate investments can vary depending on an individual's financial goals, risk tolerance, time horizon and personal circumstances. However, certain types of investments are generally considered inappropriate for most investors due to their high risk,...
What can those harmed by inappropriate investment advice do?
Imagine buying a flashy sports car when you really need a reliable family van for five kids instead. That is the essence of an inappropriate investment -- it does not align with your goals and needs. Did you know that financial professionals have an obligation to...
What should a business disclose to you before you invest?
Before investing in a business, you need to be informed. It's vital to know any risks associated with a company's operations to avoid making unwise investments. What information do you have a right to? Laws protecting investors Under the Securities Act of 1933,...
How risk tolerance and investment unsuitability are tied together
You want to put your money to work for you and see it grow, not squirrel it away. Investing in the financial markets can be highly rewarding, giving you an opportunity for more wealth creation and true financial security. But what happens when your investment advisor...
How to keep investments private
Investments are crucial for individuals who want to secure their financial future. However, some people prefer to keep their investments private. There are several reasons why someone would like to do this, for example: Not drawing attention to their wealth Protect...
FINRA finds Webull approved inappropriate customers for options trading
Do you understand options trading? Most people have little to no idea what it is. Only experienced, knowledgeable investors are in a position to understand the risks and potential benefits. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) recently announced a...
Why me? I’m not a fool. Securities fraud affects sophisticated people
If you think you were taken in by securities fraud, you’re probably right. Unfortunately, it happens a lot. It happens to smart people. It happens to people who are sophisticated and well-educated. It happens to a really wide range of people young and old, wealthy and...
Can I sue my financial advisor for lost money?
Yes. Specifically, if your advisor was licensed through the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), you can file an arbitration claim to get some or all of your money back. Whether your claim will succeed depends on exactly what happened. All investments...
I was sold an inappropriate investment. Do I have any recourse?
You may. If a registered broker-dealer or investment adviser sold you an investment that went against your risk profile and you lost money, they may have violated their legal duty to you. You may be able to get your money back via mediation or arbitration through the...