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Top benefits of hiring a securities attorney

On Behalf of | Dec 4, 2018 | Securities Law And Litigation |

Securities attorneys play an important role for both individuals and companies. Anyone can hire a securities attorney, but what are the benefits of doing so? We will explore the benefits of hiring such an attorney so you can make an informed decision.

One of the most important benefits of hiring a securities attorney is that the attorney will be able to advise if a broker violated the legal obligations they owe you. These obligations include the following:

  • Duty to determine if a product or service is good for your situation
  • Duty to disclose information related to investments that have been recommended
  • Duty to place your interests in front of their own interests, which is what’s known as fiduciary duty

A securities attorney can also help you understand and learn the common signs of fraud or if your investments have been mismanaged. When you hire a securities attorney, he or she will also discuss the various types of claims available to you if there is a need to file a claim for fraud or other issues.

Finally, the biggest benefit of hiring a securities attorney is to have the attorney represent you during litigation. There are various reasons why you might need to file a lawsuit against your broker, including conflict of interest, omission of facts, breach of fiduciary duty, trading without your permission, risky investments and more.

As you can see, there are plenty of benefits to hiring a securities attorney whether you run a company or need to hire one as an individual. Make sure you know the benefits for your situation so you hire the right attorney at the right time.

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