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The importance of the bigger picture in a business dispute

On Behalf of | Aug 30, 2024 | Business Law |

You may be incredibly upset with another party right now. You may feel they have let you down or betrayed your trust in them. However, no matter how bad it seems right now, it is essential to allow yourself time to step back and consider the bigger picture.

How you set about resolving a business dispute can affect not just the resolution of the immediate issue, but your whole business future. Handle yourself calmly and with dignity and you increase your chance of future success. Letting your annoyance at them get the better of you and the long-term consequences could negate any short-term gains you make.

How do you want other businesses to view you?

Do you want to be seen as a friendly neighborhood company that forms part of the community? As someone who understands things won’t always go to plan and can show flexibility and compassion when appropriate? Or, do you want to be seen as a business owner who expects only the best and is not to be messed with at any cost?

In most cases, you’ll want to be viewed as somewhere in between. You don’t want others to see you as a pushover who they can mess about without consequence, but you also don’t want them to be too afraid to do business with you or to decide that doing business with you would be no fun. 

How do you want clients and staff to view you?

Your clients and staff might appreciate that you hold high standards. However, they might not appreciate it if you drag a business they support, or one that someone they know has stakes in over the coals in court.

How would you like to be treated if the situation were reversed?

Put yourself in the other party’s shoes for a moment. What would you consider a fair resolution then? 

Striking the right tone can be challenging in a business dispute. Getting outside help to view the situation more clearly can help you make better long-term choices.

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